Divorce eNewsletter 2011 Archive

Divorce E-Newsletter 2011 Archive

As a service to our clients, Divorce Magazine and Carter Morris, LLP are pleased to provide you with this monthly e-newsletter and hope that the information and articles contained within are helpful and supportive.

December 2011
  1. 10 Detrimental Misconceptions about What Really Happens in Court
  2. Full or Sole Custody. Different Kinds of Custody
  3. Embrace Change
  4. Dear Judge
  5. What is Collaborative Law?
November 2011
  1. Family Court Justice Harvey Brownstone Reflects
  2. Contemplating Divorce: Separation
  3. Divorce Stories
  4. Victimhood
  5. Divorce Humor: Perspective
October 2011
  1. Judge Lynn Toler Reflects
  2. Divorce Art
  3. 7 Important Factors
  4. University Health Study
  5. What Your Child Wants Most
September 2011
  1. Back to School
  2. Love in Ruins
  3. Words of Warning
  4. Concealing Information From Your Divorce Lawyer
  5. Should you tell your children about your infidelity?
August 2011
  1. How to Evaluate a Lawyer
  2. What to Include in Your Parenting Plan
  3. Will Debt Be A Factor In Your Divorce?
  4. Boot Camp for the Broken Hearted
  5. Life Quotes
July 2011
  1. Divorce vs Unhappy Marriage
  2. Tips for fathers in custody dispute
  3. Can you recognize emotional abuse?
  4. Financial Fairness in Divorce
  5. Common Questions Children Ask (and some simple responses)
June 2011
  1. University Study on Divorce and Children
  2. Court Programs that Treat and Prevent High-Conflict Divorce
  3. The Cash Business in Divorce
  4. Forgive your unfaithful Partner and let go of Anger
  5. Divorce Letters
May 2011
  1. Navigating the Law: The Art of the Deal
  2. A Family-Friendly Approach to Resolving Child Access
  3. How to Exercise Forgiveness
  4. Changing Beliefs
  5. Inspirational Quotes
April 2011
  1. Divorce Therapy for Parents
  2. Popular Myths about Shared Parenting
  3. How Can You Control Your Legal Costs?
  4. Moving Through Your Anger
  5. Taking Control
March 2011
  1. The Middle Ground
  2. Experiment with Happiness
  3. Discovering Your Financial Reality
  4. Keep in Contact with Your Ex about the Children
  5. Social Media is a Gold Mine for Damning Evidence
February 2011
  1. Gray Divorce
  2. To Reconcile, Negotiate, Mediate, or Litigate?
  3. Get Your Head Right
  4. Child Friendly Divorce
  5. Your New Financial Identity
January 2011
  1. Are you Really Ready for Divorce
  2. Anger
  3. An Extraordinary Life
  4. Meditate Away your Stress
  5. Humor
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