Unmarried Parental Custody Rights

Unmarried Parents’ Custody Rights in Texas

Parents who were never married have the same rights and responsibilities as parents who are married or divorced. However, unmarried parents must establish the father’s parentage in order to obtain and enforce child custody and child support orders.

Child custody disputes between unmarried parents can involve a wide range of emotions. Unlike married parents, unwed parents may not have lived together or shared parental responsibilities. This can cause significant stress for the parent who is being forced to share custody of the child or for the parent who is now facing child visitation and support responsibilities.

The Houston attorneys of Carter Morris, LLP understand the unique custody challenges faced by unmarried parents. We compassionately represent mothers and fathers throughout the state of Texas in child custody disputes. Our family law attorneys bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to each case. If you need assistance with a child custody dispute in Texas, call us at 713-626-3345.

Southeast Texas Unmarried Parents’ Custody Rights

At Carter Morris, LLP, we are dedicated to protecting the rights and best interests of your children. We are deeply familiar with the unique issues that arise in child custody disputes between unwed parents, including:

  • Paternity: If you are the father, we can assist you in establishing paternity and petition the court for visitation and child custody rights. If you are seeking to establish paternity for the purpose of obtaining child support payments, we will assist you in filing a petition with the court requiring the father to submit to DNA testing.
  • Custody and visitation: Once paternity is established, the father may petition the court for custody and visitation rights. We represent fathers and mothers seeking custody of their children. In cases where one parent has not been involved in the child’s life, we can help you create a visitation schedule that gradually increases that parent’s time with the child.

Your child custody dispute does not have to result in time-consuming and expensive litigation. Through negotiation, mediation and collaborative law, our lawyers can help you and your child’s other parent come to an agreement that protects your child’s best interests and your parental rights.

Contact Us

To discuss your case with one of our experienced attorneys, contact us online or call 713-626-3345.

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